Thursday, June 30, 2005

I'd like to introduce people to someone I consider as a new friend, you see, we have something in common called: Gastroparesis. For more information on gastroparesis, go here:
or to here:

Her name is Thema Davis aka T Nyke, she is a model, and a dancer, among all her many talents. She is well known in the United Kingdom for her work in a variety of areas, such as TV, music videos, and magazines.
You can read more about her at:

She is trying to start a charity/foundation for Gastroparesis, and if you suffer from this illness, you can contact her.
Here's a bio that she wrote, and she gave me permission to post it here:
Thema Davis Bio:
I was born in Birmingham 26 years ago to come into the world 3 months
premature but already fighting and kicking and absolutely determined to survive. I
was just 3 pounds in weight and I was the size of a bag of sugar! The nurse who
was on the ward announced that one day I would grow up to be a dancer because
of the way I kicked and screamed. I starting dancing when I was 6 years old
and from the very first class I knew that I had discovered something special.

I started to enter dance competitions and by the age of 14 I was already a
national championship dancer. I wore sparkly costumes and make up, went to
gymnastics, stage school, drama and art classes. At the tender age of 15 I won a
full scholarship to the prestigious Urdang Academy of Ballet and Performing Arts
awarded to me by the late Miss Leonie Urdang.

I continued to dance but I discovered modelling by making it to the top 20
for Cosmopolitan magazines supermodel competition. I was told that I could make
it big by Sarah Doukas from Storm model management which is the agency that
represents Kate Moss. I embraced my new identity and I danced for pop videos for
artists like the Spice Girls, modelling for London Fashion week and dancing
for Top of the pops.

I also entered the celebrity party circuit dining with Calvin Klein and
Helena Christianson at Londons famous hotspot the Met Bar. I would regularly bump
into Sophie Anderton, Caprice, Tamara Beckwith and many other celebrities. In
fact in the past I have even been asked out by top A list celebs but I always
turned them down in fear of achieving my goals on the coat tails of someone
else. I was determined to make it on my own.

I started modelling for Blackhair magazine, Goodhealth magazine, W2W
Magazine, Ministry magazine, Spirit Magazine, Woman magazine, Aspire magazine and I
will be seen in future issues of Best magazine and I have recent interest from B
magazine and Marie Claire magazine.

My career was almost destroyed after I was diagnosed with whats thought of a
rare chronic condition called Gastroparesis. I screamed in pain 27/7, I went
down to 5 stone and was told that I had just 6 days to live! Gastroparesis is
delayed stomach emptying and malnourishment is one of its biggest side effects.
Nausea and vomiting and unbelieveable pain were just second nature to me and
everyday I thought that I may die.

God listened to all of my mothers and my prayers. He came to my rescue and
sent me the very best care from Good Hope Hospital, Sutton Coldfield,
Birmingham. I was fed through a tube in my nose (if I become malnourished again then
this process will need to be repeated). I also was given lots of medication
including strong painkillers such as morphine and pethedine. Sometimes I would
get depressed and disheartened but my mother and my boyfriend would always stand
by me and encourage me to keep the faith.

I struggled to eat and would often cry in pain but the last time I was in
hospital I was determined not to die. I would dream about eating junk food and
sweets and dream that I was ballet dancing just like before.

Weeks later my dreams became reality and I was dancing and modelling again
against all the odds. Most people had given up on me and my so called friends
and ex boyfriend had left me for dead. They all deserted me in my hour of need
and because I was ill I guess they thought I was not glamourous enough for them
to associate with me. My ex boyfriend even dumped me when I was on my
deathbed because and I quote 'He did not want a sick girlfriend and he had to
concentrate on his career for an investment bank! My new boyfriend calls them '
fairweather friends ' and he has supported me non stop since the beginning of the
year when we met. In fact we even had our first date in hospital! He is from
Leeds and he has helped my family and myself to the point where I could not
thank him enough. I love him so much and my family and mother and brothers are my
solid rocks. No matter how much money you have happiness, health, family and
loved ones are the most important things in life and they all should be
cherished and never taken for granted. I have since forgiven the rest for there
abandonment and I try my best not to be bitter but learn from my experiences and
teach others to be grateful for gods gifts.

I have since decided to start the UK''s first charity for gastroparesis
sufferers and families. I hope to start support groups across the country, get
medical research with regard to the condition as there is so little knowledge
about it and generally raise awareness.

I have had an amazing response from the afro caribbean community so far about
the condition and the first person to offer his help and support was David
Chen, TV presenter from Ben TV! I hope that in the future Gastroparesis will no
longer be a taboo subject but one which will be recognised just like IBS or
Diabetes. In fact gastroparesis is closely linked to both conditions.

To find out more information please do not hesitate to contact me:
- Thema Davis
AKA: T Nyke

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