Monday, January 31, 2011

I belong to a group which involves people affected by Congenital Rubella Syndrome. We have been discussing… - butterscotch Questions

I belong to a group which involves people affected by Congenital Rubella Syndrome. We have been discussing the possibility of making our own independent documentary about it. I'm wondering what kind of free software is available for making films?

By jamiecrane today at 5:06pm


Best Answer

By awalker99 today at 6:19pm

If you have a Mac computer it comes included with a program called iMovie. Many people have made near professional videos and movies with this software.

In the Windows world, the include movie making program is called Windows Movie Maker.

We have a little tutorial here on how to edit your video with content recorded on your iPhone: Editing iPhone 4 Video On Your Mac Or PC

We also highly recommend Adobe Premier Elements, which is not free, but costs $99 and is very good!


Other Answers (1)


By jamiecrane just a moment ago

Thanks Andy! Some of us have Macs, and some of us have Windows computers. Several of the members have iMovie, but unfortunately we are spread out ( USA, Ireland, Canada, Australia, etc... ). We would have to do most of our work via the internet, e-mail, cloud computing, etc... .
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